FAQ Updated

We’ve updated the FAQ page today. Some of the common questions that have been coming our way are now included.


One question included in the new FAQ, deserves special mention here:


I registered for the beta invite but never got one.  What happened?

If you registered for a beta invite before August 2007 but never got one, it is possible that your spam filter caught the invite and it never made it to your inbox.

All subscribers to the Beta waiting list were invited to Scrybe by August 31, 2007.

Scrybe is invitation only and any Scrybe user can invite more people.  A Scrybe user forum is dedicated to invitation sharing and existing users can be requested for an invite here.





Filed under Updates

20 responses to “FAQ Updated

  1. I really NEED an invite, please 🙂

  2. Brian

    Hey guys, been a beta member for a long time now, and just wondering if we are gonna see an update anytime soon? Nothings been posted since April 11th.

  3. OREO

    Second that! You guys are crazy slackers

  4. Kim

    Is anyone else having trouble viewing http://www.iscrybe.com? Can’t access my calendar!

  5. Joker

    Kim et al,

    Switch now. If these guys are actually doing any work on this, I’ll eat my chapeau. Posting a blog three times a year mentioning big upgrades that never show up isn’t exactly inspiring. Lack of communication has been a huge problem here. The only thing they do is let more and more people in on the beta. I would imagine that they do this to increase the number of users of Scrybe, so that they can justify getting funding. They already got funding by Adobe, and yet there have been NO real improvements in years. I wouldn’t be surprised if these yahoos forget to re-register their site when the time comes.

  6. OREO

    Sabika – any updates on your timeline? I think an update post is way over-do. How do you guys ever expect to succeed in the future? You already have a great product. You can just leave it as it is but communicate with your users. You’ve heard this 100000 times from so many people. Why are you guys neglecting your wonderful product so much? I absolutely do not understand your strategy.

  7. ZetaS

    I swear I’ve never seen anything like this in all my years spent on the Net – and they’ve been more than ten… True, start-ups come and go like waves on the shore, but Scrybe is like a frozen one, neither going nor coming anymore. (?!)
    I still have it in my bookmarks, where it pops out from time to time and then I go and check this blog or the forum, and stumble about the same old April 11 post: it’s laughable!

  8. Jaime

    What happened?
    This is by far the best application I have ever used on the web. I beats the crap out of google calendar or anything like it. But there has not been any updates or news for over 5 months…

    I would pay for an enhanced version that I could sync with my PDA phone, and I know plenty of people out there would too…

    So come on Scrybe team!! give us a sign of life and hope to keep on using the app!

  9. Pingback: Recent Links Tagged With "scrybe" - JabberTags

  10. Joker

    “The unfortunate consequence of this is that we cannot quote a hard time line for and there will be no functionality updates for the current version, although we will continue to support any issues you have via our forum or email.”

    Over seven and a half months since the promised update, as well as any new updates updating us about the upcoming update.

    2-1 odds that we don’t see this update by April 4, 2009…

  11. Just passing by.Btw, you website have great content!

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  12. David

    At least they pay their website hosting bill!!!

  13. surf

    Come On :))) Couldn`t Scrybe team just leave short note in the blog about reallistic situation – it won’t cause pain to anyone – failed promises are far more worse. I’m using this calendar and it is great but some certainty about future would be absolutely welcome!

  14. raffi

    maybe two posts in two days will make a change and something will happen…
    I have been using scrybe as my calender now for over a year and been quite happy with it.
    But i think I will have to switch back to google real soon or I might loose all the future data I have here.

  15. Пора переименовать блог, присвоив название связанное с доменами 🙂 может хватит про них?

  16. Что ж… и такое мнение допустимо. Хотя, думаю, возможны и другие варианты, так что не огорчайтесь.

  17. Просто замечательно – очень интересные мысли

  18. Даже и не придирешься!

  19. Preet

    Is this site going to be updated soon? It’s already been a year. The product is usable but some promised noew features need to come. Are you guys going to abandon this? Are you even responding?

  20. Viktor

    Are you guys still working on the Scrybe project, or have found alternative career paths (MBA, consulting, or other start-up)?

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